Thursday 13 September 2012

Subverting the genre

Our chosen genre for our film trailer is thriller, but we have chosen to change this to the sub-genre of physiological thriller.

Our storyline focuses around a young girl who suffers a terrible home life, and is un-happy with her life. After being sent to the attic to put away some old clothes by her mom, she comes across an old radio, which she then takes to her bedroom. After flicking through the stations and after moments of radio static, she comes across a middle aged man, talking about how people with depression can ring up the station and talk to a him about their problems. After ringing up the number and talking for an extended time, she becomes to feel better about herself and more confident. As the weeks go by every day the girl is found calling up the same number and talking to the same middle aged man about her problems, until her mom finally realises that things  have began to change. The girl is hostile, aggressive, and will not communicate with anyone around her or keep up to date with work. Whilst to ask her what is wrong, her mom notices that she in on the phone again and demands to speak to whoever is on the other end, after wrestling the girl for  the phone, she is shocked to realise there is no-one on the end of phone. After linking the girls strange behaviour with the discovery of the radio, the mom flicks through the radio stations to find the same advert that the young girl had came across. And after some research, the mom finds an address for the old radio station, only to find that the building is derelicted and long abandoned. The mom then starts to wonder who her daughter is actually talking to, is the whole situation in her head?

We are subverting the genre by firstly having a woman as the main character within the narrative which is not often seen, and we have also came up with an original idea that is unique to our film trailer.

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